She could claim:
- I did not have sex with that server.
- I did not have sexual relations with that server.
- I did not have *ex with that server.
- I did not have *exual relations with that server.
So okay, the FBI is looking into her emails, as they should, but what about the State Department.
Here's the
thought: Clearly she run afoul of the U.S. State Departments own rules regarding emails. Can the U.S. State Department bring its own charges? And Hillary did not act alone here, after all she admits that she is technically challenged so this effort must have involved others working in concert in the State Department. Oh boy...
So you have to wonder how Teflon coated is she? It even gets more interesting. Hubby Bill just shows up, out of the blue, and pigeon holes U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch on the tarmac of the Phoenix's Sky Harbor last week. What the hell do you suppose was Slick Willy's agenda? This just doesn't pass the sniff test, not even from across the country.
Now, what about the guy (one guy as I understand it) that was the email administrator or security guru. Did someone bury this guy? Where the hell is he?
Oh Mr. Trump I think you have blood in the water here.
And this coming from a Sierra Club, card carrying liberal. GeeBus Fuckin Christ.
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